Oppenheimer is a soulful French drama film written and directed by director Alderick Grand Lecco, set for release in 2021. The film tells the story of Oppenheimer, an octogenarian, whose life and family emotions unfold in a journey that explores kinship, loneliness and self-knowledge. In the film, the role of Oppenheimer is played by the famou...
At the beginning of the 21st century, a movie called Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was released, which ushered in an era of magical and adventurous films. The film not only conquers the hearts of the global audience with its exciting plot, wonderful action scenes and fascinating character creation, but also becomes a s...
First of all, as a Marvel fan, this is the best movie I've seen since Endgame 4. Since the beginning of the Avengers, I have watched Marvel movies as long as they are released in theaters. Recently, I have watched other movies except Thor IV and Ant-Man III, and I have also found resources to watch those that are not released. I think I still ...
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The Godfather is a classic crime drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the Mario Puzo novel of the same name. Since its release, "The Godfather" has become a classic in movie history with its compelling storyline, superb acting and fascinating cinematography. The Godfather builds a fascinating story world through the intricacie...
In fact, I have watched this movie for a long time, and even watched it several times, but I have been reluctant to write anything. Maybe it is because I have not encountered such a beautiful love as in the movie, so I always feel that it is a little one-sided to write so rashly, and what I write may contradict the movie. But yesterday inadver...
"Interstellar" is Nolan's 2014 realistic hard science fiction film, the film caused a worldwide discussion, including those vague physics terminology, science fiction under the clothing of human connection, and the expression of love. In the film, Nolan takes the form of a common "doomsday crisis" in science fiction films, that is, when the ea...
Once Upon a Time in America was the last film directed by Sergio Leone and his most significant achievement. This epic drama tells the story of young gangsters in New York at the turn of the 20th century. It pushed the boundaries of cinematic expression in many ways, and it's still amazing today. It is worth noting that he even turned down an ...
There's a line in the Shawshank Redemption: "What the world has that penetrates all walls, it's inside us." When I saw this movie, I thought it was the high-security Shawshank prison that kept the people inside. When I look back again, I realize that the invisible prison is more terrible than the visible prison. What really trapped everyone wa...
It's no surprise that Ang Lee's film is more than a superficial story about the shipwrecked life of an Indian teenager, and despite its title, it presents a wonderful representation. The main character in the film and the Bengal tiger on the same boat fight wits and courage, after many difficulties and obstacles at the same time, but also saw ...
Among the world's most acclaimed living French directors, Luc Besson is somewhat unusual. In his critically acclaimed films, you can see echoes of the "New Wave" of French cinema, which focuses on complex human and metaphysical life's ultimate questions, with a recognizable aesthetic style; You can also see the narrative routine of Hollywood c...
In the bustling Crazy Zootopia, every corner is full of life and vitality. In the heart of the city, a rabbit named Judy has dreams of becoming a police officer and hopes to change people's prejudices against small animals through her efforts. Judy has been beyond the usual courage and determination since childhood, she constantly trained hers...
Returning to the big screen after 13 long years, Avatar: The Passage of Water evokes many incredibly strong emotions. The film chose the familiar main setting of the planet Pandora, where a fierce battle takes place in the first part. Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) begins the narrative. He married Netiri (Zoe Saldana), a princess of the Navid tr...
Christie's novels are not easily adapted for film and television. Because in order to increase the suspense of the novel, female writers usually design a lot of suspected characters in the book. Of these, only one or two (perhaps with the exception of the Orient Express) are really murderers, and most of the others serve only as smokescreens t...
In today's society, there is a popular circle culture, even making friends. Our social circle is a circle defined by our social class. That is to say, we can only go around in this circle, it is difficult to break through, because the rich only play with the rich, the poor only play with the poor. Is that really the case? Are friendships divid...