The Incredibles is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Brad Bird. Released in 2004, the film is a blend of superhero elements and family life. Set in a world where superpowers are ubiquitous, the story centers on superhuman couple Bob and Helen as they rediscover their superpowers in their ordinary lives. Film ...
Good Will Hunting is a 2002 American motivational film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Sean Penn, Matt Damon, Robin Williams, and others. The film tells the story of a young man named Will (Will QUAQUA), with the help of psychologist Scottie (Scottie), gradually open up and brave the story of himself. The film depicts Will's inner loneli...
Pulp Fiction is a 1994 black comedy film directed by Quentin Tarantino. Known for its non-linear narrative, violent scenes and unique dialogue style, the film has become a classic in modern film history. The following is a review of Pulp Fiction, detailing the film's main features, themes, characters and influences. 1. Non-linear narrative: Pu...
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It's no surprise that Ang Lee's film is more than a superficial story about the shipwrecked life of an Indian teenager, and despite its title, it presents a wonderful representation. The main character in the film and the Bengal tiger on the same boat fight wits and courage, after many difficulties and obstacles at the same time, but also saw ...
Among the world's most acclaimed living French directors, Luc Besson is somewhat unusual. In his critically acclaimed films, you can see echoes of the "New Wave" of French cinema, which focuses on complex human and metaphysical life's ultimate questions, with a recognizable aesthetic style; You can also see the narrative routine of Hollywood c...
In 1994, the emergence of a classic film, let us feel in its excellent story and camera language, the deep excavation of the good and evil of the human heart. The film has won numerous awards since its release and is still loved by everyone today. It is Luc Besson's The Killer Is Not Too Cold. 1, with "The killer is not too cold" of the "curve...
Former US President Barack Obama, who has a wide range of interests, spends a lot of time watching film and television works on weekdays. At the end of each year, he would choose the best works that he recognized and recommend them to everyone. One animation that stands out on his 2020 list, which he recently announced, is "Soul," a Disney-pro...
A lot has changed since the end of 2019's Avengers: Endgame. The story of the original Avengers came to an end with the exit of the core, leaders Iron Man and Captain America. However, it seemed at that time that although the "mainstay" had left, it had paved the way for a good "succession" role. Marvel cast Paul "Ant-Man" Rudd and Benedict "K...
Zhang Defen said in the book "Meet the unknown self" : "Dear, there is no one else outside, only yourself", each of us is pursuing the life of others, are envious of others' bright, eyes are looking at others, but lost their own. In fact, life is not in the distant side of the mountain, but in our side. The more I grow up, the more I know that...
Because I saw the prequel, I got the idea of watching the Hunger Games again, so I repainted it. The comparison of the prequels makes the trilogy look even better. The first one is my personal favorite. The first film is very wonderful and smooth in the creation of the dramatic world, the characterization of characters, the setting of characte...
2019 has seen the emergence of a new star in the film world: Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix. The film became one of the focal points of the year, sparking widespread discussion among audiences and critics. The film "Joker" brings a new analytical framework, deeply exploring the social, psychological and cultural aspects of the problem. Socia...
The Incredibles is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Brad Bird. Released in 2004, the film is a blend of superhero elements and family life. Set in a world where superpowers are ubiquitous, the story centers on superhuman couple Bob and Helen as they rediscover their superpowers in their ordinary lives. Film ...
In fact, I have watched this movie for a long time, and even watched it several times, but I have been reluctant to write anything. Maybe it is because I have not encountered such a beautiful love as in the movie, so I always feel that it is a little one-sided to write so rashly, and what I write may contradict the movie. But yesterday inadver...
First of all, as a Marvel fan, this is the best movie I've seen since Endgame 4. Since the beginning of the Avengers, I have watched Marvel movies as long as they are released in theaters. Recently, I have watched other movies except Thor IV and Ant-Man III, and I have also found resources to watch those that are not released. I think I still ...