Oppenheimer is a soulful French drama film written and directed by director Alderick Grand Lecco, set for release in 2021. The film tells the story of Oppenheimer, an octogenarian, whose life and family emotions unfold in a journey that explores kinship, loneliness and self-knowledge. In the film, the role of Oppenheimer is played by the [&hel...
“Falling Judgment”, there is no transition, no twists and turns, a calm trial, as if to tear open a hole, inside is the undercurrent, or a huge abyss. The lawsuit did not wait for a peaceful conclusion, and the so-called fair justice can hardly judge the unspeakable and unverifiable life. Rather than a feminist perspective, [&helli...
The “Dune” series, which has been hailed as the “Lord of the Rings” of science fiction, has been waiting for a long time after three years, and finally hit the audience with a shocking second installment. Before venturing into this mysterious world, it would be wise to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with [&h...
The Storm is a mystery film directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmalk and starring Ulrich Moet, Sebastian Cauchy, and Martina Godette. The film was released in Germany on March 23, 2006, and won a number of prestigious international film awards, including the 79th Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the 64th Global Award for [&hell...
Killers of the Flower Moon has become a rare Martin Scorsese film as it reaches a major milestone at the box office. Based on David Grann’s nonfiction novel of the same name, the film is set in 1920s Oklahoma and follows members of the Osage Nation who are murdered after oil is discovered on their […]
The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort. The film tells the true story of Belfort, who became a stockbroker in the 1990s and got rich quickly through fraud and illegality, eventually triggering his downfall and downfall. In […]
First, the production background and development of the movie Captain America The production of Captain America dates back to 1941, when the values of freedom and equality in the United States were under threat during World War II. In this context, Team America emerged as a spiritual and symbolic character, originally created by Joe Simon [&he...
As the final installment of the series, The Dark Knight Rises provides us as fans with a satisfying answer. The plot, cinematography, music score and editing at the end of the film all create a “thrilling” impression for the audience. As a series ending, it is certainly qualified and even good, and we can even […]
To be honest, if it wasn’t for Will Smith’s angry punch, you wouldn’t even know the Oscars had been handed out this year, but it did make me want to see some of the best Oscar movies. After all, in the days of home isolation, we must find some spiritual comfort for ourselves. So review […]
The film A Beautiful Mind is based on the amazing life of Forbes Nash Jr., a brilliant mathematician and a Nobel Prize winner in economics. His unremitting pursuit and great achievements in game theory have become the focus of attention. “A Beautiful Mind” from its release to the present, has been the word of mouth, […]