The Incredibles is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Brad Bird. Released in 2004, the film is a blend of superhero elements and family life. Set in a world where superpowers are ubiquitous, the story centers on superhuman couple Bob and Helen as they rediscover their superpowers in their ordinary […]
Perfect Stranger is a darkly humorous film from Italy directed by Paolo Genovese. The film tells the story of a group of friends at a dinner party who decide to publicly display their cell phone messages and call records, leading to a series of unexpected events and emotional conflicts. Starting with a simple concept, the […]
The Martian is a film directed by Ridley Scott and based on Andy Weir’s novel of the same name. Released in 2015, the film tells the story of Mark Watney, an abandoned astronaut on Mars, who struggles to survive alone in an extreme environment and is eventually rescued by his colleagues on Earth. The Martian […]
The story takes place in 1939, during the turbulent period of Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland. Wladyslaw Spearman (Adrian Brody) is an outstanding pianist and a Warsaw Jew. As Nazi rule expanded, Jews faced severe discrimination and persecution. Wladyslaw’s family was forced to move into a cramped compartment and living condition...
The cycle of crime and punishment: the perpetrator, the punisher and the public The story takes place in an unknown city where it rains all day. Somerset was a veteran detective who was a week away from retirement, and Mills was the brash rookie to replace him. Somerset is eager to make it through the […]
As the final installment of the series, The Dark Knight Rises provides us as fans with a satisfying answer. The plot, cinematography, music score and editing at the end of the film all create a “thrilling” impression for the audience. As a series ending, it is certainly qualified and even good, and we can even […]
To be honest, if it wasn’t for Will Smith’s angry punch, you wouldn’t even know the Oscars had been handed out this year, but it did make me want to see some of the best Oscar movies. After all, in the days of home isolation, we must find some spiritual comfort for ourselves. So review […]
Some people say that the ending of “Aquaman” is really good, and the father of the male protagonist waits for his wife who has been dead for many years. And the man also found his lover, and at the same time resolved a sea for the revenge of mankind, showing a piece of peace between […]
Pulp Fiction is a 1994 black comedy film directed by Quentin Tarantino. Known for its non-linear narrative, violent scenes and unique dialogue style, the film has become a classic in modern film history. The following is a review of Pulp Fiction, detailing the film’s main features, themes, characters and influences. 1. Non-linear narrati...
The Godfather is a classic crime drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the Mario Puzo novel of the same name. Since its release, “The Godfather” has become a classic in movie history with its compelling storyline, superb acting and fascinating cinematography. The Godfather builds a fascinating story world through th...