First, the production background and development of the movie Captain America The production of Captain America dates back to 1941, when the values of freedom and equality in the United States were under threat during World War II. In this context, Team America emerged as a spiritual and symbolic character, originally created by Joe Simon [&he...
2019 has seen the emergence of a new star in the film world: Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix. The film became one of the focal points of the year, sparking widespread discussion among audiences and critics. The film “Joker” brings a new analytical framework, deeply exploring the social, psychological and cultural aspects of the pr...
1962, this is the time in the movie “Green Book”, it has been 57 years from us, it is the age of many people’s fathers, but also many people’s childhood, for others, it may be the time of the big era, but for the black people of that era, it is in the mud algae, […]
Forrest Gump is an acclaimed and beloved American film released in 1994. The film, directed by Robert Zemeckis and based on Winston Groom’s novel of the same name, stars Tom Hanks as the main character, Forrest Gump, a simple and kind man who lives an extraordinary life. The story of Forrest Gump is told through […]